Is Satellite for You?

  1. Does your business depend on sending regular communication to customers, staff or suppliers who are geographically dispersed?

    If so, did you know that you can reach virtually any point in the U.S. via satellite communications? Most other parts of the globe are covered by satellite as well.

  2. How much are you presently spending to support the distribution of business-critical information or service?

    If you're using mail, FedEx, modem, or fax, or digital land lines, consider the cost of your present transmission method and consult with Americom to compare costs. Remember, you can send the same content to one or 10,000 (or more!) receiving sites within the footprint of a single communication satellite. This means that your facilities from Maine to Hawaii, or your associates from Alaska to Florida can receive the same data at the same time.

  3. In what format do you now distribute these communications?
    • Newsletters/Newspapers
    • Videocassettes
    • Disks
    • Audiotapes
    • Batch files
    • Software Programs
    • Training Materials
    • New Product Information
    • Stockholders Reports
    • Crisis Management Support
    • Media intensive files or promotional materials

    Satellite can distribute all of these formats, possibly at a fraction of your current cost-from broadcast quality video to employee newsletter, from CD ROMs to software updates.

  4. Can you expand your business by increasing the number of distribution points or speed of data distribution?

    If you're now restricted to a 56kbs modem or 56kbs terrestrial circuit, imagine being to able to have a 1MB or 10MB pipe into your PC or LAN! That's the power of satellite.

  5. Do you need to communicate in regions of the U.S. or globally where the traditional network support is inadequate for your needs?

    There are still parts of the U.S. and many parts of the world where basic telephone communication is a challenge, because of poor terrestrial service. Satellite offers a quickly deployed leap over this earthbound hurdle. And satellite offers higher quality transmission, better performance, and fewer bandwidth restrictions, often at lower cost than terrestrial networks, including cable, ISDN, internet backbone, fiber, and traditional phone-company provided applications.

    In the terrestrial market, you typically pay for every incremental increase in bandwidth and by the mile-so the further you go, more you pay, whether via FedEx or telephone. Satellite costs no more to send across the state or across the nation and all points in between simultaneously!

    Does satellite make sense for your business? The conditions must be right, in terms of cost benefits and your business needs. If any of these concepts make you curious, call Americom at 1-800-273-0329.

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