Customer Profiles

We're proud of our many and multifaceted customers, and here we are profiling a select group of them, on a rotating basis:

NBC Television: NBC became the world's first Ku-band satellite-delivered television network by using a GE Americom satellite. This technology allows NBC to bypass costly and complex terrestrial distribution systems and achieve unprecedented flexibility in targeting programming to its regional affiliates.

NASA: We provide multiple mission-critical services supporting NASA's space shuttle program. Voice, video and data from orbiting shuttles are received at White Sands, New Mexico, then retransmitted over our satellites to NASA facilities at Kennedy, Johnson and Marshall Space Flight centers. NASA Shuttle Video (NASA TV) is delivered live to the nation's cable and broadcast television networks by GE Americom.

Primestar: Primestar, our partnership with HBO, uses the GE-2 hybrid satellite to deliver 160 channels of digital TV directly to customers' homes via small-diameter antennas. Primestar was the first Direct-to-Home (DTH) service in the United States.

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