Cable Television

GE Americom satellites provide access to every cable system in the United States. We provide service for cable, television receive only (TVRO), SMATV and hotel applications.

GE SATCOM C-3, C-4, and C-1 carry one of the finest cable programming neighborhoods in the sky, providing such services as Showtime, Nickelodeon, MTV, Fox Cable Network, NewSport, and E! Entertainment.

Cable TV Service Overview:

  • Three C-band cable satellites (SATCOM C-1, C-3, and C-4)
  • Three hybrids (GE-1, GE-2, and Spacenet 4).
  • C and Ku-band occasional and backhaul services
  • Compressed digital video service
  • Uplinking from East and West coasts

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Integrated Systems | Other Services

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