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Home | Satellite Information | Spacenet 4
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Launched in August 1991, this C-band satellite now serves intercontinental customers across the Pacific Ocean, providing communications solutions to broadcasters, cable programmers, Internet service providers, government agencies, educational institutions and private corporate networks. |
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Spacenet 4 Satellite Specifications |
Orbital Location:172? East Longitude
C-band Transponders |
Coverage: Northern Pacific Rim, Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. West Coast, East Asia
18 C-band Transponders: |
- 12 8.5-watt SSPA, 36 MHz bandwidth
- ?6 16-watt TWTA, 72 MHz bandwidth
Amp Redundancy: 7-for-6
Reveiver Redundancy: 4-for-2
Variable Uplink Sensitivity
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