SES AMERICOM Corporate Information

View By Satellite

Targeted launch date: 2004

The proposed AMC-14, is a BSS satellite to be operated at 105.5º W.L. as the multi-channel video platform for AMERICOM2Home(SM) Producers, distributors and aggregators of all sorts of entertainment, news, ethnic, sports, and foreign-language programming will use the satellite to offer consumers subscription, free-to-air and pay-per-view services. The A2H service will also include interactive and internet connection services from its partner satellite, AMC-15 at 105º, resulting in a unique combination of residential services in the U.S.
Satellite information
Spacecraft design
Orbital location
Launch Date / Vehicle TBA / TBA
Design Life TBA
Ku-band payload
Amp type TBA
Amp Redundancy TBA
Receiver redundancy TBA
Coverage TBA
Typical Ku-band footprint TBA

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