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View By Satellite

AMERICOM 10 (AMC-10) and AMERICOM 11 (AMC-11), scheduled to be launched in 2004 as replacement satellites for Satcom C3 and Satcom C4, will be located at 135º and 131º W.L., respectively. Together, these C-band satellites will be home to SES AMERICOM's premier cable neighborhood with access to virtually every cable headend in the United States. Each has been designed to provide advanced C-band digital transmission service. AMC-10 and AMC-11 will offer fully protected distribution of cable television programming both regionally and nationally.
Satellite information
Spacecraft design
Lockheed Martin A2100
Orbital location
135o and 131o W.L.
Launch Date / Vehicle 2004
Design Life 15 years
C-band payload 24 x 36 MHz
Amp type SSPA, 20 watts
Amp Redundancy 16 for 12
Receiver redundancy 4 for 2
Coverage 50 State, Canada, Caribbean,Mexico
Beacon 3700.5 MHz (H)
4199.5 MHz (V)
Typical C-band footprint and frequency plan
PDF of AMC-10 & AMC-11
specifications and footprints

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