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Below are some FAQs about Americom's new Web Site:
  1. Has the Internet address for GE Americom's Web site changed?
  2. How often will the site be updated?
  3. Where can I find current GE Americom news on the Web site?
  4. Where can I find information about satellite launches and other important events?
  5. Can I find detailed information about individual satellites?
Q: Has the Internet address for GE Americom's Web site changed?

A: No, the homepage is still located at


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Q: How often will the site be updated?

A: Regular updates will be made on the 28th of each month. However, breaking news will be posted in real-time - either in the NEWSROOM section or using a banner on the homepage.

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Q: Where can I find current GE Americom news on the Web site?

A: The NEWSROOM section of the site features company press releases - with the most recent announcements listed at the top of the page. A SEARCH function is also available to find archived news.

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Q: Where can I find information about satellite launches and other important events?

A: A banner on the start page will link users to detailed information on new satellite launches, the annual Leonids Meteor Storm and other significant events. The site currently features updated info regarding the GE-7 and GE-8 launches.

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Q: Can I find detailed information about individual satellites?

A: YES! Individual satellites' front pages are accessible from a pull-down menu on the left toolbar. The menu lists all birds in Americom's global fleet. Individual satellite pages provide specifications on each bird, including orbital location, transponder and footprint details.

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