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SES AMERICOM is committed to recruiting and hiring diverse talent. Our commitment to higher education is key to our business strategy. We currently participates in Co-Op programs structured by leading local colleges and universities. These programs allow undergraduate and graduate students to alternate periods of classroom work with periods of full-time professional experience.

Students are sought based the business need, the student's related course study, and the structure of the Co-Op program in the schools chosen for participation. Students arrive to the assignments to find a job description and Co-Op sponsor so that their experience is both educational and productive for the business.

We currently draw on the experience of students from the following schools who are interested in the satellite communications industry, bring fresh perspectives, creative problem solving skills, and can make a significant contribution to SES AMERICOM:

         -    Fordham University Deming Scholars Program
         -    Drexel University's Co-Op Program


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