Search Tips
Basic Word Search Tips
To begin a basic word search, simply type in the word or words that best describe the topic in which you're interested. For example, if you're interested in Ku-band satellites, type Ku-band satellites in the search box and then click the Search button. The search engine will search all pages on the GE Americom site and list any pages mentioning the words Ku-band and/or satellites on a search results page. If a page is found with the words together, forming the phrase "Ku-band satellites", it will receive a higher ranking in the returned results.
Keep in mind that basic word searches work well with one or two words. If you add more terms to your search, more results will be generated. Therefore, if you are searching for something specific, it is best to familiarize yourself with our advanced search tips, which allow you to filter your results.
Advanced Search Tips
Search for an exact phrase
To search for an exact word or phrase, simply type in the word or phrase surrounded by quotation marks. For example, by typing "bandwidth media streaming", the engine will list all pages that contain the phrase "bandwidth media streaming" -- but not those that contain the word bandwidth or those that contain the word media or those that contain the word streaming alone, which are three types of pages which would be retrieved under the simple search (without quotes), broadband media streaming.
Using AND, OR, and NOT
To search for pages containing two or more specific words that aren't in any particular order, use the Boolean operator AND. The AND operator stipulates that all of the terms linked by AND must be present in the document for it to be reported as a result. For example, if you were interested in network security, you would enter the search network AND security. If a page mentioned network in the first paragraph, and security in the 5th paragraph, it would be found using this search. However, a page that only mentions network would not be returned because it does not also contain the word security on that page.
You can combine AND with exact phrase searching. For example "Ku-band satellite" AND "broadband media streaming" is a valid search and would return only documents containing both of those phrases as shown.
OR causes the search engine to look for documents that contain one term or the other and does not exclude those that have both. Therefore, OR is the implicit default in basic searches using more than one term (see above). Tracking facilities is the same as tracking OR facilities. Both of these searches would return documents containing tracking facilities, tracking stations, or domestic facilities.
NOT enables you to narrow a search by excluding certain phrases from the results. For example, if you were interested in GE satellites and next launches but not recent (launches) you would perform the following search: "GE satellites next launches" NOT recent. This search would look for all documents containing the phrase "GE satellites next launches", and "weed out" those that referred to recent.
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