Home | AMC-6
Launched on 22 October 2000, AMC-6 became the fifth hybrid C/Ku-band satellite in the AMERICOM fleet. From it's position in the eastern part of the U.S. orbital arc, AMC-6 provides high-powered service to occasional video/SNG, government, VSAT network and entertainment customers. Providing all-digital Ku-band connectivity to millions, AMC-6 has also attracted Internet service intergration platforms, who take advantage of the satellite's wide coverage and high levels of redundancy. |
Spacecraft design
Lockheed Martin A2100
Orbital location
72o W.L.
Launch Date / Vehicle |
22 Oct. 00 / Proton DM |
Design Life |
15 years |
C-band payload |
24 x 36 MHz |
Amp type |
SSPA, 20 watts |
Amp Redundancy |
16 for 12 |
Receiver redundancy |
4 for 2 |
Coverage |
CONUS, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean,
Central America |
Beacon |
3700.5 MHz (H)
4199.5 MHz (V) |
Typical C-band footprint and frequency plan |
Ku-band payload |
24 x 36 MHz
4 x 72MHz |
Amp type |
TWTA, 110 watt |
Amp Redundancy |
18 for 14 |
Receiver redundancy |
4 for 2 |
Coverage |
CONUS, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean,
Central America |
Beacon |
11702 MHz (H)
12198 MHz (V) |
Typical Ku-band footprint and frequency plan |
PDF of AMC-6 specifications and footprints |