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iN DEMAND Signs with GE Americom for Next-Generation Satellites

August 17, 2001 (Princeton, NJ) -- GE American Communications (GE Americom) announced today that New York-based iN DEMAND has signed a multi-year, multi-transponder agreement for follow-on C-band satellite capacity on GE-10 and GE-11, the successor satellites to Satcom C-3 and C-4. GE-10 and GE-11 will be home to iN DEMAND痴 pay-per-view network, which delivers top-rated box office movies, sporting and entertainment events to 29 million addressable households nationwide.

"We are delighted that iN DEMAND has chosen to remain with GE Americom痴 premier cable neighborhood, enabling us to continue a long-standing relationship which began with Satcom C-3 and C-4," said Carl Capista, Vice President, Satellite Services-North America. "iN DEMAND痴 programming blend brings a unique dimension to the cable neighborhood in that it affords the viewer the opportunity to choose the program they want to see, when they want to see it, from the comfort of their home."

John Vartanian, Senior Vice President Technology & Operations, iN DEMAND, commented, "We are remaining with GE Americom because their success record in the launch and operation of satellites is outstanding. GE Americom痴 flexibility and willingness to meet our requirements throughout the planning process has laid the groundwork for continuing this preeminent cable neighborhood."

GE-10 and 11, the all C-band next generation satellites planned for operation in 2004, will each have 24 transponders and will be located at 135ー and 131ー W.L., respectively. To further ensure the delivery of customers programming, each satellite features a higher level of on-board redundancy than the previous generation. Plus, an in-orbit protection satellite, GE-7, which operates at 137ーW.L., is available if necessary for full satellite restoration. Programmers can use either or both satellites operating at 131ー and 135ー W.L. to distribute content to more than 80 million American homes.


iN DEMAND is cable television痴 leading pay-per-view network which delivers television premieres of the best movies, championship boxing, wrestling, professional and college sports, plus original entertainment. iN DEMAND痴 60-channel digital lineup also delivers the MLB Extra Innings, NBA LEAGUE PASS, the NHL Center Ice, and schedules the biggest box office titles every 30 minutes for viewing convenience. The company痴 shareholders are AT&T Broadband, L.L.C., Time Warner Entertainment Advance/Newhouse Partnership, Comcast Programming Ventures, Inc. and Cox Communications, Inc. Further information about the company can be found on the Internet at www.indemand.com.

About GE Americom

With over 25 years' experience, GE American Communications, Inc. is recognized as a pioneer and leading provider of global satellite communications solutions. GE Americom is able to provide end-to-end telecommunications solutions to any region in the world through a fleet of 20 satellites. GE Americom's key customers include ABC Radio Networks, AT&T Alascom, British Telecom, Cidera, Deutsche Welle, Discovery, Fox, TV Guide/Gemstar, Gannett, ICG, Merlin, NBC, The New York Times, NHK, PaxNet, PBS, TELE Greenland, TV Europa, Viacom and TimeWarner/Turner Broadcasting.

On March 28, 2001, GE Capital announced with Soci騁 Europ馥nne des Satellites that they plan to combine the assets of GE Americom and SES ASTRA to form a new premier global satellite company, SES Global. The new company will have a fleet of 29 satellites and be able to deliver broadband satellites services to more than 90% of the world's population. In addition, SES Global痴 strategic partnerships and participations in AsiaSat, NSAB, Star One, Americom Asia-Pacific and Nahuelsat will combine to give entertainment, Internet, news and enterprise customers access to a fleet of 42 satellites. When the transaction is finalized, GE Capital will hold a 25.1% economic interest and 20.1% voting interest in SES Global S.A.

GE Americom is a GE Capital company. GE Capital, with assets of more than US$370 billion, is a global, diversified financial services company grouped into six key operating segments comprised of 24 businesses. A wholly-owned subsidiary of General Electric Company, GE Capital, based in Stamford, Connecticut, provides a variety of consumer services, such as credit cards and life and auto insurance; mid-market financing; specialized financing; specialty insurance; equipment management, and specialized services, to businesses and individuals in 47 countries around the world. GE is a diversified services, technology and manufacturing company with operations worldwide.

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Contact: Monica Morgan


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