Victory Sports Signs Service Agreement with SES AMERICOM
Victory to Use AMC-4 for Distribution of Regional Sports Network “We are pleased that Victory Sports has chosen to be a part of our Cable2® neighborhood on AMC-4,” said Carl Capista, Vice President, Media and Entertainment Services, SES AMERICOM. “Their valuable program offering enhances our growing neighborhood of regional and national sports channels." “For a regional sports network, satellite reliability and dependability are key factors when looking for a service provider and SES AMERICOM has a proven heritage of dependable service which made them the right choice for us,” said Mark Durenberger, Victory Sports Vice President, Technical Operations” AMC-4 is a hybrid C/Ku-band satellite that became fully operational in January 2000 at 101 degrees W.L. AMC-4 carries twenty-four 36 MHz 20-watt C-band transponders, committed to broadcast and cable-oriented services providing fifty state, Canadian, Mexican and Caribbean coverage. In addition, the spacecraft has twenty-four 36 MHz 110-watt Ku-band transponders providing Americas-wide coverage. Each Ku-band transponder is switchable between North America and South America, fully supporting two-way communication throughout the Americas. AMC-4 also has four 72 MHz transponders in the extended Ku-band that are able to support inter-American communications. # # #